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Creating a switch with pebble, android, arduino and BLE (Bloe Tooth Low Energy)

Arduino Code

description: Switch
hardware: nRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy Breakout

Setup:  PIN 13: Connected to SCK of BLE (Clock)
        PIN 12: Connected to MISO of BLE (Master Input, Slave Output, sending data to arduino
                from peripherals)
        PIN 11: Connected to MOSI of BLE (Master Output, Slave Inut, sending data form peripherals to arduino).
        PIN 10: Connected to REQ of BLE (this is basically what the nRF8001 considers the 'SPI Chip Select' pin, its an input)
        PIN 09: Connected to RST of BLE ( (reset) - this is the reset pin input)
        PIN 02: Connected to RDY of BLE ((ready) - this is the data-ready pin, 
                an interrupt output from the breakout to the microcontroller 
                letting it know that data is ready to read)
        GND:    Connected to GND of BLE
        5V:     Connected to VIN of BLE   


// This version uses the internal data queing so you can treat it like Serial (kinda)!

#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_BLE_UART.h"

// Connect CLK/MISO/MOSI to hardware SPI
// e.g. On UNO & compatible: CLK = 13, MISO = 12, MOSI = 11
#define ADAFRUITBLE_RDY 2     // This should be an interrupt pin, on Uno thats #2 or #3

int SWITCH_PIN = 7;

void setup(void)
  while(!Serial); // Leonardo/Micro should wait for serial init
  Serial.println(F("Adafruit Bluefruit Low Energy nRF8001 Print echo demo"));
  digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN, HIGH);


aci_evt_opcode_t laststatus = ACI_EVT_DISCONNECTED;

void sendDataToBleCient()
   if (Serial.available()) {
      // Read a line from Serial
      Serial.setTimeout(100); // 100 millisecond timeout
      String s = Serial.readString();

      // We need to convert the line to bytes, no more than 20 at this time
      uint8_t sendbuffer[20];
      s.getBytes(sendbuffer, 20);
      char sendbuffersize = min(20, s.length());

      Serial.print(F("\n* Sending -> \"")); 
      Serial.print((char *)sendbuffer); 

      // write the data
      BTLEserial.write(sendbuffer, sendbuffersize);

void receieveDataFromBleClient()
    boolean doSwitch = false;
    // Lets see if there's any data for us!
    if (BTLEserial.available()) {
      Serial.print("* "); 
      Serial.println(F(" bytes available from BTLE"));
      doSwitch = true;
    if(doSwitch == true)
      int currentState = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN);
      int newState = LOW;
      if(currentState == LOW) 
        newState = HIGH;
      digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN, newState);
    // OK while we still have something to read, get a character and print it out
    while (BTLEserial.available()) {
      char c =;

aci_evt_opcode_t updateBLEDeviecStatus()
   // Ask what is our current status
  aci_evt_opcode_t status = BTLEserial.getState();
  // If the status changed....
  if (status != laststatus) {
    // print it out!
    if (status == ACI_EVT_DEVICE_STARTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Advertising started"));
    if (status == ACI_EVT_CONNECTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Connected!"));
    if (status == ACI_EVT_DISCONNECTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Disconnected or advertising timed out"));
    // OK set the last status change to this one
    laststatus = status;
  return status;

void loop()
  // Tell the nRF8001 to do whatever it should be working on.

  aci_evt_opcode_t status = updateBLEDeviecStatus();

  if (status == ACI_EVT_CONNECTED) {
    //reveieve Data

    // Next up, see if we have any data to get from the Serial console