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Revision as of 09:39, 4 June 2022 by Claude (talk | contribs) (call operator &)
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$_ Variable

Get-Service | WHERE {$_.status -eq "Running"} | SELECT displayname
# “$_.” defines current element in the pipe

Get-Service | Sort-Object -property Status
$mydatge = Get-Date
$mydatge | Get-Member


Send-Greeting -name Claude

function Send-Greeting
        [string] $Name

        Write-Host ("Hello " + $Name + "!")


$currentDate = Get-Date
$messageOfTheDay = ""

if($currentDate.Day % 2 -ne 0)
    $messageOfTheDay = "Today is an odd Day, "
    $messageOfTheDay = "Today all should be even, "

switch (($currentDate.DayOfWeek))
    "Monday" { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "that being said you should be working..." }
    "Tuesday" { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "that being said you should be working..." }
    "Wednesday" { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "that being said you should be working..." }
    "Thursday" { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "that being said you should be working..." }
    "Friday" { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "that being said you should be working..." }
    "Saturday" { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "yay it's the Weekend!!!" }
    "Sunday" { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "yay it's the Weekend!!!" }
    default { $messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay + "This script only knows the 7 weekdays...." }

echo $messageOfTheDay

for, while, doWhile

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++)
    Write-Host $i
$i = 0
while ($i -lt 10)
    Write-Host $i
$i = 0
    Write-Host $i
} while($i -lt 10)


$myarray = 'a', 'b', 'c'


Clear-Host #Clears the display
$GuyDir = "C:\Temp"
$FilesExe = gci $GuyDir -recurse #GCI: Get Child Items
$List = $FilesExe | ? {$_.extension -eq ".pem"}
$List | Sort-Object -unique | Format-Table name
Clear-Host #Clears the display
$GuyDir = "C:\Temp"
$FilesExe = gci $GuyDir -recurse #GCI: Get Child Items
$List = $FilesExe | WHERE {$_.extension -eq ".pem"}
$List | Sort-Object -unique | Format-Table name
Clear-Host #Clears the display
$GuyDir = "C:\Temp"
$FilesExe = gci $GuyDir -recurse #GCI: Get Child Items
$List = $FilesExe | Where-Object {$_.extension -eq ".pem"}
$List | Sort-Object -unique | Format-Table name

call operator &

&: Runs the pipeline before it in the background, in a PowerShell job. This operator acts similarly to the UNIX control operator ampersand (&), which runs the command before it asynchronously in subshell as a job.

This operator is functionally equivalent to Start-Job. By default, the background operator starts the jobs in the current working directory of the caller that started the parallel tasks. The following example demonstrates basic usage of the background job operator.

 & $ENV:windir\System32\HostName.exe